Posts by: jrforester

  • Non-festival films

    Lest you may think that I only see movies at the PSIFF - I confess herein that I have seen six films since the festival stopped that I want to comment on. Two of them were shown during the festival,…

  • Previous PSFF reviews.

    Today was again a three movie day.  I started with “Midnight’s Children (#17). At 148 minutes it is Salman Rushdie’s adaptation of his picaresque chronicle of the early days of modern India - from 1947 to 1974.  The best thing…

  • 2015 Palm Springs Film Festival

    The 26th Palm Springs Film Festival(PSFF) ended in January, but I am reposting to bring my blog up to date. This covers only first few days.  Each tear the festival has a theme, which focuses 20 to 40 films in…

  • Skeptic in residence

    I was born a skeptic, or that just the way it seems. It’s hard to be from cauldron of Polish-Jewish “Bloodlands” of World War II without some inner defense that keeps me and my ilk from embracing the latest ism…