
  • One person one vote or just voters

    If the right wing wins this case, you can kiss Democratic congress goodbye for at least a  generation or three https://t.co/qdau4pNNlj via @slate The Supreme Court Justices Agonize Over the Meaning of “One Person, One Vote.” Really. It is a complete…


    J. Richard Forester @goanofpdx There r are a lot of Hitler/Trump comparisons out there, but I think Mussolini hits the sweet spot - http://www.salon.com/2015/12/09/trumps_dark_victory_even_republicans_are_speaking_out_against_the_donalds_hateful_mussolini_parody_but_can_the_damage_be_undone/ … via @Salon 6:03 PM - 8 Dec 2015 Salon.com Trump’s dark victory: Even Republicans are speaking…

  • All those presidents with Ivy League degrees

    Ranking the Least Intelligent Presidents in U.S. History Posted on August 20, 2015 by Alex Greer Credit: AP Images How smart are U.S. presidents? In a 2006 study, UC Davis professor Dean Simonton used historiometric methods to estimate each president’s…

  • From Nate Silver

    J. Richard Forester ‏@goanofpdx 58s58 seconds ago A note from Nate Silver: Dear Media, Stop Freaking Out About Donald Trump's Polls http://53eig.ht/1R01tRT