• PSIFF 2017 (last three days of the festival)

    "Neruda" - When the Communist Party is banned in Chile in 1948, senator, poet and sensualist Pablo Neruda (Luis Gnecco, No) is forced into hiding, hotly pursued by determined if none-too-bright police prefect Oscar Peluchonneau (Gael Garcia Bernal), who is eager…

  • PSIFF 2017 (days 7 and 8)

    I am slowing down. Maybe gathering my strength for the finish.  These are not necessarily easy films, at least not for me. In "I am not Madam Bovary", from China, the title sucked me in.  In this eccentric tale of…

  • PSIFF 2017 – days 5 and 6

    "The Last Family" was my penultimate Polish movie of the festival and the second one featuring painters.  What is normal, in the context of a family-or a life? Look at his apocalyptic paintings, or listen to his S&M fantasies, and…

  • PSIFF 2017 – 4th day

    The fourth day  is also hard-hitting day.   We start with "Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe".  Austrian Jewish intellectual Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), one of the most read German-language writers of his time, left his homeland with the rise of Hitler and…

  • Day 3 – 28th PSIFF -2017

    The third day starts the "Polish" part of my festival fare.  I skipped "Ashes and Diamonds" since I have seen it about 20 times.  But we start with England. "I, Daniel Blake" from Veteran socialist filmmaker Ken Loach is back…